The Green Party of Canada’s economic platform is heavily tilted toward environmental sustainability, but that’s not the party’s sole focus in the economic realm. It promises to maintain balanced budgets and aim for surpluses to continue paying down the country’s debt.In addition, the Green party has taken strong a position on many of the economic […]
Candidate profile: Eric Steedman
As part of our federal election coverage, Investment Executive explores the positions of the major federal political parties on the top issues affecting the financial services industry.Here we look at where the parties stand on tax policy:The development of a national securities commission is hardly a hot election issue because most seem to be in […]
As part of our federal election coverage, Investment Executive explores the positions of the major federal political parties on the top issues affecting the financial services industry.Here we look at where the parties stand on tax policy:Both the Liberals and the Conservatives are promising tax cuts, although their promises differ in the targets and the […]
The federal election may still be a week away, but the media appear to have virtually declared Stephen Harper and his Conservatives the winners.Weekend papers and TV programming were filled with items about who Harper really is, the transition process and who may be in cabinet with far less attention on Paul Martin and the […]
As part of our coverage of the federal election, Investment Executive profiles candidates who are working or who have worked in the financial services industry.Here we look at Brian Pallister, Conservative candidate in the Manitoba riding of Portage-Lisgar.Even though Brian Pallister is running in what is generally thought to be a safe riding for the […]
As part of our federal election coverage, Investment Executive explores the positions of the major federal political parties on the top issues affecting the financial services industry.Here we look at where the parties stand on improving retirement security for Canadians:Despite the importance of retirement security in a country that’s on the cusp of a rapid […]
The Conservative Party platform, released today, promises to scrap the capital gains tax for individual investors who reinvest the proceeds.The party platform proposes to eliminate the capital gains tax for individuals on the sale of assets, providing that the proceeds are reinvested within six months.“Canadians who invest or inherit cottages or family heirlooms, should be […]
As part of our coverage of the federal election, Investment Executive profiles candidates who are working or who have worked in the financial services industry.Here we look at John McCallum, Liberal candidate in the Ontario riding of Markham-Unionville.Before running for office in the 2000 federal election, John McCallum was familiar to some Canadians as a […]
Although truth is usually a casualty in most warfare, comprehensive economic policy may be a casualty in the current federal election war.A growing list of economic commentators and critics are expressing concern about what is ahead for fiscal policy and a range of economic issues from productivity to skilled labour markets.Latest in this chorus is […]