Proposal to tax stock options fully would not generate the expected revenue as the government would have to introduce a corporate tax deduction to avoid double taxation
Political parties have philosophical differences on balanced budgets
The Tories staked their ground on the Family Tax Cut, which they introduced last year. The Liberals and NDP would eliminate it, saying it benefits only the wealthy
The Liberal MP, who once accompanied his stockbroker father as a teen when visiting clients, is the party’s spokesperson on economic issues as well as its finance critic
The Liberals, NDP and the Green Party would all roll back the annual TFSA contribution limit to $5,500
Harbaljit Kahlon is a big supporter of eliminating the Family Tax Cut and putting in place policies catered to the middle class
All major political parties have made pensions and retirement income a major focus in this year’s federal election campaign
NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER Tom Mulcair has gone far as a political free agent, moving between parties as circumstances change. But he has lots of company on the Quebec political landscape. While many remember when Mulcair served as environment minister in the Liberal Quebec government of former Premier Jean Charest, they also recall that Charest […]
Close polls and a split opposition could benefit the Tories, despite many missteps during this extra-long campaign
Although the policy would cost $400 million, it would help lift 200,000 seniors out of poverty, the NDP says