Keyword: Embedded commissions

166 results found

CCPA calls on policy makers to cap or ban trailer fees

Regulator wants to crunch data for study on the effect of commissions on sales. But few companies have co-operated

FCA research finds little evidence reforms caused advice gap

Having trailing commissions embedded in a fee-based series is “potentially misleading for investors”

Panel debates the impact of the bans in Australia and the United Kingdom

A new CIBC report suggests that a ban on trailer fees would impact the competitive dynamics within the investment industry

Investors seek fee payment options

  • By: IE Staff
  • October 7, 2014 October 7, 2014
  • 10:10

Finance professor to investigate whether commissions influence fund sales

The OSC is not impressed by fees with default options

Regulator says default rates may eliminate fee negotiations between advisors and investors