Both Pollock and Archibald gloss over the pre-eminent concern in this discussion: that embedded compensation unequivocally causes bias
Neil Gross’s column completely ignores any of the advantages of trailing commissions — and they do exist
No one is suggesting that investors be forced to pay commissions — simply that they should have a choice in the matter
As regulators enter the final stage of deciding the fate of trailing commissions, they rightly insist on real evidence-based analysis
Edwin Weinstein and Douglas Cumming explained the results of their work in a webinar, but steered clear of suggesting specific regulatory intervention
Authors of report on mutual fund fee and distribution structures respond to many questions about their research
Recent reforms have not created a shortage in the supply of professional financial advice, investor group says
There’s really no alternative anymore. Trailers must be banned and the investment industry needs to get on board with that
Clients are unsure of what services they paid for, but they still prefer to pay for advice through an ongoing fixed commission