The Developing markets have felt the financial crisis more acutely than expected, the Emerging Markets Committee of the International Organization of Securities Commissions said Wednesday.“The current financial crisis has had a greater than expected impact on the members of the Emerging Markets Committee, as financial shocks have been transmitted with ease through the global capital […]
The panic may be over, but the system will continue to be tested
Plan calls for the creation of a Financial Services Oversight Council
On the same day that the Bank of Canada warned that risks to the financial system haven’t abated, the European Central Bank echoed that position, as it also worries that a weak economy could undermine progress to repair the financial system.The ECB said Monday that many of the downside risks to euro area financial stability […]
While the mix of risks facing the financial system has evolved in the last six months, overall vulnerability has not, as improvements in financial system functioning are being undermined by global economic weakening, suggests a new report from the Bank of Canada.In the latest issue of the semi-annual Financial System Review released Monday, the Bank […]
Annual conference wraps up in Tel Aviv
World financial leaders meet in Beijing
U.S. Treasury will receive US$68 billion in repayment proceeds
Program will support much-needed trade finance in developing countries
Financial crisis underlines need for regulators to focus on cross-border risks