Clients who put off receiving CPP and OAS payments can reduce their longevity risk. These clients will need other sources of income to bridge the gap until they begin collecting those benefits
The full effects of the federal Liberals' proposed expansion of the Canada Pension Plan will not be felt for years to come. Both benefits and premiums will increase over time, but additional contributions will be tax-deductible
Survey suggests Canadians misunderstand proposed CPP reforms
The industry trade association suggests that group RRSPs should be put on a level playing field with DC pensions and PRPPs
Enhanced CPP will eventually gain the same degree of public acceptance as did the original plan, report says
Policymakers could either exempt low earners from expanded coverage, the report suggests, or exclude expanded CPP benefits from the GIS income test
Investment industry approves of gradual increases in premiums
Premiums to increase in 2019
The CFIB is encouraging governments to pursue better voluntary options and incentives to help Canadians save for their own retirement
A separate deal with Encana is on track to close later this month