Companies without a plan need to recognize just how serious the pandemic is expected to be
November exercises test disaster recovery readiness
All firms need a plan to get through events such as a fire, earthquake, hurricane, terrorist attack or other catastrophe
More complex tests involving more participants under discussion
Voluntary initiative designed to help firms serve customers during disruptions
Procedure seen as a second line of defence
Disruption would develop over time, for extended periods and in successive waves, IDA says
Report highlights the greater impact a shock could have were it to happen in the next 18 months
The Ontario Securities Commissions has issued a notice emphasizing the importance of business continuity planning.The notice indicates that the OSC is part of the global efforts to address the potential impact of incidents that could disrupt normal business operations, which is an ongoing priority for financial industry participants and financial regulatory authorities. Recent acts of […]
Stress-testing excercises aimed at testing further enhancing system’s effectiveness in addressing a crisis situation