The regulator has unveiled the preliminary agenda for its annual conference
Janet Yellen will kick off Canada FinTech Forum at the end of the month
Kristin Ramlal will receive the award at the Distinguished Advisor Conference in Quebec City in November
The second-annual ASC Connect conference will take place Oct. 9
Financial planners must work very closely with questions to ensure their complex financial and estate goals are met
The price a buyer is willing to pay for a book of business drops if the selling advisor is not willing to spend the necessary time to transfer the book accordingly
Financial planners need to have proactive conversations with clients about how taking on work in retirement could affect their income taxes
Although digital advice will play a greater role, financial planners will need to promote the value of professional, holistic advice
The regulator will begin sending out questionnaires to some advisors who are deemed to be higher risk to determine if they need a more in-depth compliance review
Banning commissions could reduce access to financial advice while proposed tax changes could have a severe impact on business owners, Joe Oliver argues