Advisors want to be recognized and appreciated for their work, but it must be balanced with strong, competitive pay
Books of business have risen significantly over the past year, and so has advisors' take-home pay. In turn, several advisors praised their firm for compensation regimes that are predominantly clear, transparent and fair
Substantial growth in advisors' books of business in this year's Report Card has not translated into bigger paycheques. The percentage of advisors earning more than $500,000 annually has decreased notably over the past year
Chairman’s pay stays flat at $715,000
The cases involving advisors who tried to find loopholes to boost their AUA and, thus, remuneration, reveal that the system we have in place is effective
Total compensation costs and benefits not expected to fall significantly
Hefty retention bonuses now come with vested stock options
Firms are shelling out a pretty penny to get top financial advisors
Rule would require U.S. brokers to tell their clients about any big bonuses they receive when they change firms
Second progress report on compensation practices published