Keyword: Client prospecting

184 results found

This large population can lead to a profitable, efficient practice

Learning to deal with “no” can lead to success down the road

The question that gets prospects to act

In this week’s Gaining Altitude, Dan Richards, CEO, Client Insights, discusses the one question that has been shown to prompt prospects to action, and explains how to use this question in your practice.

If used correctly, this tool can turn prospects into clients

Five tips for a successful advanced search

Send out information about yourself gradually until prospects know who you are

Maintaining a healthy pipeline means connecting with people every day

Bill had just half an hour to get a commitment from a reluctant but high-value prospect. Bill's goal was not to sign the client that day but to secure a followup meeting

Find out what matters to them an treat them as if they were your top clients

Determine whether that new contact fits your target market