The ease of going online means consumers are less dependent on advisors for information
Why landing new clients is like courtship and eight new rules for prospecting in these times of intense competition for potential clients' time and attention
While most advisors think it’s a personal connection that closes a deal with a prospect, clients disagree
The only people who should be in your prospecting system are those who meet or come close to meeting your ideal client profile and with whom you fully expect to do business. Most advisors' pipelines have 15 to 20 names, but that is far from enough
Segment your pipeline to help you find the right fit
Define your “natural market” and make prospecting easier
While most advisors do a reasonably good job of communicating with their clients, many display little emphasis on attracting new business through prospecting
Make your narrative resonate with clients
A good tale well told can turn prospects into clients
One of the most direct ways to boost your sales is to make sure your clients and prospects know about all the products and services you offer. "Having a good prospecting strategy is paramount to building a stable and reliable business"