Keyword: Client communications

283 results found

Not all clients absorb information in the same way. Young people respond well to emails and blogs, while many baby boomers are turned off by jargon. The key is knowing your clients and communicating in a way that resonates with them

Awkwardness is your worst enemy

Are you getting the most from your marketing tools? Use this checklist to target your message.

Show and tell clients what you can do for them

From fancy gifts and e-cards to family events, how you mark the holidays with your clients depends on your style and your clients’ preferences. Here are some ways you can strike the right note this holiday season

More than at any time since the 1930s, investors feel that the field is tilted against them. A good way to reassure them is to meet regularly and explain changes in their portfolios

Using case studies as prospecting tools

Keeping your process manageable increases client loyalty

During times of market volatility and economic uncertainty, it’s more important than ever that you initiate communications with your clients

Work with COIs to boost referrals