Miracle Day generated more than $3.7 in Canada
28.5% of provinces tax filers made a charitable donation
Foundation uses volunteering and donations to grow niche initiatives
Traders donate commissions to children's charities
Aqueduct Foundation makes use of donor advised funds
Canadians opened their pocketbooks to charities to record levels in 2005, donating more than $7.9 million, Statistics Canada said today.Overall charitable donations were nearly 14% higher in 2005 than they were the previous year, according to the annual report from StatsCan.The greatest increase occurred in Alberta (21.1%), Nova Scotia (18.5%), and Manitoba (17.7%).While more than […]
Charities outside health services sector will be forced to campaign hard to attract donations
Second Harvest committed to bringing fresh food to social service programs
Money directed towards foundations that help prevent child abuse and neglect
$1.6 million donated to Canadian charities since inception