April-Lynn Levitt, coach with the Personal Coach, delves into specifics on how to build and maintain the relationships that provide a powerful centre of influence network. She spoke to Fiona Collie, web reporter with Investment Executive.
April-Lynn Levitt, coach with the Personal Coach, offers tips for expanding an advisor’s centre of influence network beyond accountants and lawyers. She spoke to Fiona Collie, web reporter with Investment Executive, at the TMX Broadcast Centre in Toronto.
Stay in regular contact with COIs, and seek feedback after sending referrals
Ensure your COIs understand what you offer clients, so you don’t get inappropriate referrals
To find the ideal COI for your practice, seek out professionals who specialize in your target market and look for personality traits similar to your own
Developing strong referral relationships takes time, patience and a strategy
Four ways to maximize the benefits for your clients, your COIs and your business
Maintaining genuine links with other professionals leads to sustainable networks
Cultivating relationships with centres of influence can provide you with valuable new clients. Establishing and maintaining those arrangements takes time and patience
You must work to maintain strong relationships