Home Business outlook

Keyword: Business outlook

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jobless puzzle pieces

Weakening economy and high interest rates push businesses to rein in hiring

CIBC bank downtown

Markets may be overly optimistic that central banks will lower rates this year

Arrow up

Withdrawal of Covid-19 support, higher interest rates and softening consumer spending are challenges

Rohit Mehta

Newsmaker: In a more crowded ETF field, Rohit Mehta says there’s still room for innovation

A recession will probably arrive before the end of the year, but there could be advantages to staying invested

overcome obstacles

The average advisor managed to grow their business while facing market headwinds

Diverse business partners gathered in boardroom shaking hands stock photo

Expectations for business performance remain well below pre-pandemic levels

  • By: IE Staff
  • March 30, 2023 March 30, 2023
  • 15:44
woman at laptop

Obstacles remain, but companies were less worried in early 2023

Businesses and consumers expect inflation to remain elevated in the short term and ease within five years

Earth surrounded by foam / concept of volatility

Investors may experience more pain, at least in the first half