Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning, CIBC wealth advisory services, explains the Liberal government is expected to cancel the family tax cut and broadly restructure child benefits in the upcoming federal budget. Register now for post-budget webinar with Golombek on March 23.
Keep on top of all the latest tax changes in this year’s federal budget with noted tax expert Jamie Golombek. Register now for this post-budget webinar
Here are three potential changes to discuss with your clients before the Liberals deliver their first budget
Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning, CIBC wealth advisory services, discusses the 2016 federal budget and the changes it may bring to the taxation of stock options. Join Golombek for a post-budget webinar on March 23 where he will discuss the budget and how it may affect financial advisors and their clients. Further details and registration are available through this link.http://www.investmentexecutive.com/-/budget-2016-webinar
PMAC says that changes are needed to spur participation in PRPPs, which have failed to gain much traction
Jamie Golombek, managing director of tax and estate planning, CIBC wealth advisory services, outlines what advisors can expect in the 2016 federal budget.