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The new system aims to provide a transparent view of natural gas movements across locations, among various other benefits

Existing market infrastructure firms that handle clearing and settlement would likely continue to serve these functions

E-Proxy Voting System prototype embraces blockchain technology

The firm joins 75 of the world’s largest financial services institutions in the group, which is aiming to make the global financial system more efficient

Certain uses of distributed ledger technology may trigger registration requirements, or the obligation to file a prospectus, the regulator states

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance includes financial firms and tech giants

DLT arrangements could help enhance market transparency and risk management, but there could be negative implications to consider

Blockchain Intelligence Group focuses on data analytics and risk assessment

The worksites, which are called Blockchain Nodes, are being opened in Frankfurt and Singapore, with plans for a third location in New York

The biggest obstacles to implementing blockchain are the willingness to do so, followed by regulation, confidentiality and a lack of standardization