Innovation is expected to boost productivity but it will likely bring job losses and greater income inequality
Several major institutions are investing heavily in the emerging technology while startups are also looking to develop new products, report finds
The Vector Institute in Toronto brings together various parties in the private and public sectors to advance AI research in Canada
New technology such as AI is likely to be a positive for advisors and their firms because of the potential to make the business more efficient
Several of the big banks are leaping headlong into the new computing frontier that is artificial intelligence, looking for customer preferences, streamlined operations and lower cost. The shift should enhance, not threaten, the role of advisors
Canadian banks are at the forefront of the global drive to use artificial intelligence in both client-facing and back-office operations
NextAI, which will launch in February, brings together Canadian and international talent to develop innovations in AI
The bank’s research arm will be opening a new lab in Edmonton as part of an initiative to work with the UofA’s Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute