There may be less clarity about when to access pension plans or how much is needed upon retirement among many recent and pre-retirees, Vanguard study suggests
Going to a fee-based structure has contributed to positive growth in AUM and revenue for advisors as well as increased clients’ satisfaction and trust in these advisors
The new ETFs are focused on providing global diversification while limiting foreign-currency risk
The four new ETFs, which have a management fee of 0.35%, will be managed by Vanguard’s Quantitative Equity Group
The 10 funds will invest in a combination of six new index-based pooled funds in which the asset allocation will gradually and automatically become more conservative
Firm will offer developed markets ETFs with and without exposure to Canada
The new ETFs provide investors with exposure to developed markets outside the U.S. and Canada
New Vanguard research provides a framework to help advisors focus on the areas that offer the most value to clients
ETFs continue to experience significant growth
Six international equity ETFs to broaden diversification with all cap exposure, receive new names