New SHARE report reveals that median pay for top executives has grown at a rate that outpaces the modest increases for the average worker
Kevin Thomas succeeds Peter Chapman
Federal and provincial lobbyist registries suffer from a number of deficiencies that undermine their usefulness to investors
A new report from the Vancouver-based shareholder advocacy organization finds that the financial services sector is doing better than many others
A new SHARE report finds that companies incorporated law in Alberta lag on gender diversity, corporate governance and climate-related disclosure
The group and its clients are filing shareholder proposals calling on Canadian companies without any female directors to develop clear plans to change that
Corporate reporting transparency in Canada is currently voluntary and inconsistent and Ottawa has not mandated reporting, or provided consistent guidelines
A new report from SHARE finds that companies in these sectors are not reporting that their boards have expertise on the climate change issue
Shareholders are more willing to raise their voices
The banks are “particularly vulnerable” because their financing activities span all sectors of the economy