Anti-ESG proposals fall flat with investors, SHARE reports
Initiative received 42% support from RBC shareholders at latest AGM, and 37% from BMO shareholders
Group targets 40 companies to lead transition to low-carbon economy
But the banks say that climate-related shareholder proposals limit their options for achieving net-zero commitments
The Shareholder Association for Research and Education also advises funds to use Transition Pathways Initiative rating as a criterion for director votes
The RIA is coordinating Climate Engagement Canada in collaboration with SHARE and Ceres
Coalition calls for strengthening of the Equator Principles
Proxy proposal to improve gender diversity at Waste Connections Inc. receives 64.5% shareholder support
SHARE wants federal government to amend bankruptcy laws and ensure pension funding
SHARE report suggests RBC GAM, Manulife and others show strong support for climate-related shareholder proposals, while Scotiabank lags