Company: Scotia Economics

58 results found
Solar panels installed on the roof of a house

More declines from recent highs are likely, but prices should remain above pre-pandemic levels

Scotiabank's model forecast declines as supply issues dog sales in May

Fiscal policy should be used alongside monetary policy to win inflation fight, Scotiabank says

Cropped image of young woman holding resume over white

Increase labour force participation among those 50 and older: Scotia

map of Canada

Disappointing export numbers drive down the bank's model forecast

Direction of stock market.opportunity and sell.change for chance.positive thinking

As inflation outpaces wages, consumption will be curbed, Scotiabank says

Wooden blocks with percentage sign and arrow up, financial growth, interest rate increase, inflation concept

Inflation above 7% in the second half of this year would lead to a monetary policy-induced recession, Scotiabank says

  • By: IE Staff
  • April 28, 2022 April 28, 2022
  • 10:49

A mix of moves occurred this week, with Tiff Macklem and Grant Vingoe taking on new roles

Wooden blocks with percentage sign and arrow up, financial growth, interest rate increase, inflation concept

War in Ukraine to have divergent effects on world's economies

Direction of stock market.opportunity and sell.change for chance.positive thinking

However, omicron effects weigh on the outlook