Company: Royal Bank of Canada

455 results found

The three companies in question self-reported inadequacies in their systems that resulted in some clients paying excess fees

The job cuts were made in bank’s head office locations in the Toronto area as RBC looks to invest in digital, high-growth sectors

Banks are building digital connections with clients

SumOfUs is calling on the bank’s shareholders to support a bid for greater transparency surrounding the bank’s lobbying efforts

MyAdvisor combines new online advice platform with real-time access to the bank’s financial advisors

  • By: IE Staff
  • March 29, 2017 January 15, 2018
  • 07:10
RBC predicts healthier growth for Canada this year

There are plenty of signs that Canada’s economy is heading in the right direction, although various headwinds remain

Jennifer Tory named chief administrative officer; Neil McLaughlin appointed group head of personal and commercial banking

Most older Canadians are not considering adjusting their lifestyle for a longer retirement, but many wonder whether they will have enough money for this phase of their lives

The bank’s research arm will be opening a new lab in Edmonton as part of an initiative to work with the UofA’s Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute

Clients can contact an advisor by tapping the “call” button or schedule a call-back from an advisor

  • By: IE Staff
  • January 13, 2017 January 13, 2017
  • 10:20