Company: Royal Bank of Canada

455 results found

RBC's rating was lowered as a result of the sector's weaker assessment

The bank supports recent measures to take pressure off Canada's housing market, said RBC's CEO

Tread carefully

Dave McKay also spoke at the bank's AGM about the need for a more inclusive Canadian society

The bank's Caribbean presence now includes 41 branches supported by 3,000 employees

  • By: IE Staff
  • April 1, 2021 April 1, 2021
  • 16:02

Big banks far outpace rest of the TSX for women in executive and board roles

a man on a precipice

Central banks are expected to raise economic outlooks but stay patient on rates

office workers wearing gloves and masks

Canada has also slipped in the PwC Women in Work index

Lingering effects of the pandemic will weigh on a key driver of economic growth


Donations down 4% overall, but 27% of charities got nothing

Banks are monitoring the economic recovery as they develop strategies for their branches