Mackenzie Global Leadership Impact ETF subadvised by Pax Ellevate Management
New funds provide opportunities to manage interest rate risk, leverage non-traditional asset classes and invest in enhanced global equity diversification
Mackenzie will provide mutual funds for Investors Group's advisors, Mackenzie's distribution channels and the clients they serve
The new funds are subadvised by Rockefeller & Co. and Pax Ellevate Mangement LLC
The firm is lowering the minimum initial investment and introducing new managers later this month
Unitholders to vote on proposed merger of Quadrus Trimark Balanced Fund into Mackenzie Strategic Income Fund
However, the two parties find common ground on global investing and key wealth-management services
Both firms now each hold a 13.9% stake in the fund company, which had $232 billion in AUM and 40 million retail clients at the end of 2016
The change to Mackenzie Maximum Diversification US Index ETF’s risk profile is to comply with the CSA’s new risk classification methodology
The two mutual funds and one ETF seek to generate income from corporate and government bonds, dividend stocks, preferred shares, among others