Company: Investment Funds Institute of Canada

586 results found

ETFs outperform mutual funds in both net sales, asset gains

Mutual fund sales turn positive, ETF assets hit record heights

Financial stock exchange market display screen board on the street

Fund sales stay negative, while ETF sales hold up and assets rise, IFIC says

Advisor tracking stocks

Assets drop as mutual funds remain in redemptions, ETFs stay positive

Mutual fund redemptions rose in September, and ETF sales gained

Mutual fund redemptions climbed while ETF sales slowed, IFIC reported

Direction of stock market.opportunity and sell.change for chance.positive thinking

Fund assets rose in July, with ETFs climbing faster than mutual funds

Focus on Mutual Funds Special Report

Mutual fund redemptions rise, but ETF sales up too

Extreme closeup of an annual report -- based on the "portfolio facts," the fund is a 100% stock mutual fund

ETF sales climb, but mutual funds remain in net redemptions

Commission structures, account transfer standards and dual registration are all in the works