Company: Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada

1219 results found

The SRO will be conducting routine business, such as electing directors, appointing auditors and considering its financial statements

James Alexander Moon, Michael Edward Comeau and Mitchell Torch admitted they failed to verify certain clients qualified as accredited investors

IIROC proposals to shorten CE cycles among industry concerns

Although a hearing panel found Michael Sutton had no intent to violate the rules, it ruled that he failed to ensure proprietary funds were priced properly

Applications for the SRO's representative on CDS's board are due by Aug. 18

The upgraded version of Nasdaq’s SMARTS technology is capable of monitoring up to a billion transactions daily, in real time

The self-regulatory organization has ordered almost $2.7 million in monetary sanctions so far this year

Ottawa considers issuing ultra-long bonds

Corporate bond website now includes all corporate debt trades by all IIROC-regulated firms

Rule changes by IIROC would make the CSA requirements redundant

CSA oversight review says SRO failed to adequately resolve issues raised in 2015