Horizons Active Intl Developed Markets Equity ETF invests in developed market stocks outside of North America
The new ETF’s objective is to provide indirect exposure to the MSCI EAFE index
The amalgamation of the two legal entities is expected to create a more efficient corporate structure
The firm is also changing the distribution frequency of four ETFs to quarterly instead of monthly
No more direct subscriptions for Horizons Managed Multi-Asset Momentum units will be made available
Fee on Horizons Cdn Select Universe Bond ETF will decrease to 0.09%
Affected unitholders will see a decrease in their annual management fees thanks to their new common-class units
Firm adopts indices from Solactive AG
Horizons Medical Marijuana Life Sciences invests in stocks tied to medical marijuana bioengineering and production
Horizons Absolute Return Global Currency ETF will primarily use short-term financial instruments to gain exposure to selected global currency markets