The regulator intends to be a credentialing body under the province's title protection regime
A FSRA review resulted in 445 letters of warning for failing to complete continuing education hours
Top-level shifts were announced at several major firms, including National Bank Financial, iA Financial Group and RBC Insurance
Groups issuing financial planner and advisor titles must meet cybersecurity guidelines
FSRA also reiterated that it wants clients to be protected from seg fund deferred sales charges, regardless of when the funds were purchased
The new self-regulatory organization is considering its role in the evolving regime
Greatway must also send its universal life policyholders information to assist them in assessing the policy's appropriateness
Proposal would eliminate regulatory arbitrage between seg funds and mutual funds
The regulator alleged a firm's training instructs life agents to mislead consumers, which the firm refutes
Draft Ontario MGA regulation coming in 2023 as a result of concerns found in FSRA's review