Almost 1,000 candidates wrote FPSC Level 1 and CFP exams in various locations across Canada
Fellow of FPSC distinction recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the financial planning profession in Canada
The majority of Canadians surveyed have at least one financial regret
FPSC and IQPF update long-term projections for financial planners
More than half of the cases heard by FPSC’s disciplinary hearing panel in 2017 resulted in a suspension
FPSC study reveals that many Canadian women have “very little” knowledge about finances while more than half don’t have a written financial plan
Digital certificate and badge provide up-to-the-minute verification status across all online platforms
The CFP examination was written by 473 candidates — the highest number since 2010
The organization bestowed its lifetime achievement award on John De Goey at a dinner held during Financial Planning Week
The FPSB council acts as an advisory and consultative body to FPSB’s board of directors and is made up of delegates from each of FPSB’s member organizations around the world