Company: Financial Conduct Authority

381 results found

Companies would have to present a whistleblowing report every year

A simple rating would help consumers decide which firms are likely to treat them well

Progress has been uneven across the industry

The U.K. regulator has uncovered instances of poor practices at financial firms that can drive mis-selling because of pressure to meet targets

The new regime is designed to ensure that senior managers can be held accountable for misconduct that falls within their areas of responsibility

Discussion paper challenges financial firms to use more innovative methods of engaging with consumers

The British regulator is seeking input on rules and policies that may be stifling the provision of financial services through digital and mobile

New hires reflect the U.K. regulator’s strategic reorganization

U.K. proposals meant to ensure firms can handle routine losses and meet claims for client redress

Draft legislation would see the Financial Conduct Authority supervise and regulate binary options