Company: Financial Conduct Authority

381 results found

Discussion paper aims to open a debate on improving the way that information is provided to investors

This latest ban is the FCA’s fourth public action against a trader for manipulating LIBOR submissions

IIROC looks to the courts to boost its collection rate in Ontario

However, the report is not recommending a return to commission-based advice

However, it is difficult to assess whether the FCA’s efforts have reduced the overall scale of mis-selling financial products to consumers

Discussion paper intended to spark a discussion on how industry and regulator can work together to address issues facing older consumers

Many firms do not show consistently good practice across all products and services, U.K. study finds

The U.K. regulator has concerns with suitability and disclosure failures

Bailey replaces Martin Wheatley, who was the U.K. regulator’s first CEO

The revisions are intended to strengthen investor protection and increase market resilience