Company: Canadian Securities Administrators

1104 results found
rules and regulations

Paper argues for more systematic cost/benefit, post-implementation analysis

Revisions seek to better align with global standards

Red alert

Ongoing regulatory initiatives include binding authority at OBSI, climate-related disclosures, misleading titles, mutual fund sales practices and more


With reforms pending, the organization will search for new consumer, industry board reps

School exam student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing answer in university classroom, education and world literacy day concept (School exam student's taking educational admission test in class, thinking hard, writing

SRO drops firm sponsorship requirement, among other changes

Businessman talking with financial advisor in bank

Investors enjoy DIY investing, relying more on social media for information


SRO integration and investor protection also on the agenda

Regulators adopt temporary measure to expand capital raising options

"Landmark" legislation is significant step forward in protecting investors, organization says

Magnifying glass

Proposal would require seg fund disclosure of embedded costs