Company: Canadian Securities Administrators

1108 results found
rules and regulations

CSA and IIROC report no signs of excessive short pressure

Regulators may provide further relief to industry, help for investors

Investor group says CSA must go deeper than an IIROC-MFDA merger review

Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizing profits for large business organizations. (Taxpayer's desk and excise documents to import and export industrial goods for the purpose of maximizin

Regulators are providing a 45-day extension

CSA issues guidance for taking annual meetings online

Regulators provide 45-day extensions for filings, comment periods

Regulators call on issuers to seek cease-trade orders

Fund reps with smaller books are more dependent on DSCs

MFDA proposes creation of new, comprehensive SRO for registered firms

Editorial: The CSA has stepped up to take the OSC's place as the standard bearer for regulatory progress

  • By: IE Staff
  • March 6, 2020 November 24, 2020
  • 00:03