Company: Canadian Securities Administrators

1104 results found

Dramatic revenue increase needed to keep pace with systems costs: regulators

Dividing groups

OSC to delegate registration to CIRO, rest of CSA considering it too

Magnifying glass on documents

Regulators aim to address concerns about retail investor protection

Sustainable investing

Few companies fully reporting voluntarily, mandatory standards scarce

Businessman examines statistics on a page

Regulators' reviews lead to more enforcement, refiling action

Dispute at desk

CSA says next phase of consultation to come next year

The Australian Coat of Arms in metal hangs on the glass wall of a building that reflects another high-rise across the street.

Large companies, financial institutions to start climate-related financial disclosures in 2025

Magnifying glass on documents

Regulator examines use of discretion in ratings, following OBSI alert

Review highlights improved board diversity, lack of female CEOs, CFOs

Computer with financial growth

Regulator details vision for retail funds that hold long-term assets