In regretfully dismissing a taxpayer’s request to extend a deadline, the Tax Court of Canada commented on lack of simple fairness
A lump sum paid to satisfy a court order for retroactive support is deductible, the Tax Court of Canada has ruled
A recent test case from the Federal Court says the CRA can’t use delayed assessments to discourage the use of tax shelters it doesn’t like
New rules will add to filing burdens for honest taxpayers
Federal government pledges $30 million to fund search team
Auditor general finds agency is collecting more outstanding tax debt but issues remain
Auditing resources for the CRA’s international compliance programs have increased 40% since 2006
Government officials and their families appear on list of Canadians who might be hiding assets overseas
Agency says Toronto-based Marketplace Ministries International promoted tax shelter scheme
Federal agency is placing holds on tax returns of clients who are claiming deductions under gifting schemes