The Canada Revenue Agency took several of its web-based services offline as a precaution Friday after a problem was detected in computer servers used by websites worldwide
Advisors have a role to play in warning clients about the documentation they’ll need to take advantage of key tax benefits available to those buying a home
The tax agency says the services were taken offline as a precaution and its website was not hacked
The 2016 federal budget included $444.4 million over five years to help the agency crack down on wealthy tax cheats
The federal tax agency notes that the data are encrypted and the risk that the taxpayers’ information would be compromised is thought to be very low
Recent reports from the two government-related committees contain recommendations for the feds to step up their efforts against offshore tax avoidance and tax evasion
Timothée Bessette helped or advised individuals file income tax returns, or request a reassessment, using the distinction between a “natural” person and a “legal” person
Report recommends mandatory registration of tax products by tax advisors and 13 other measures
The agency has launched several ongoing audits and is pursuing criminal investigations in some cases stemming from revelations in the Panama Papers
Fraudsters are impersonating Canada Revenue Agency employees to dupe taxpayers