Company: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

230 results found

Strengthening capital framework will lay foundation for more resilient banking system

New proposals for updating the Basel II framework would impact structured finance globally, and the asset-backed commercial paper market in particular, Fitch Ratings says.The rating agency notes that the proposals, published last month by the Bank for International Settlements, seek to update the Basel II framework in response to market events of the past 18 […]

Proposed changes would strengthen the supervisory environment for banks

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision announced that it is broadening the mandate of its Basel II implementation subcommittee to include the task of implementing all of its various guidance and standards.The Accord Implementation Group will be renamed the Standards Implementation Group and will concentrate on implementation of Basel Committee guidance and standards more generally, […]

Consultation paper aims to address weaknesses that were exposed by the financial crisis

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released a paper Tuesday that details the importance of audit quality in banks, particularly due to an increased reliance on sound audits and because high-quality audits can enhance market confidence during times of severe stress.The paper also highlights that bank audits are highly specialized, which can be complicated by […]

Guidance is part of a broader effort to strengthen firm-wide risk management practices

Goal is to help ensure that the banking sector serves its traditional role as a shock absorber to the financial system

The new liquidity principles should help promote better risk management, says insider

Goal is to raise banks’ resilience to liquidity stress