Toronto-based TD Asset Management Inc. (TDAM) has added two currency-neutral funds to its mutual fund lineup. Epoch Global Shareholder Yield Currency Neutral Fund invests in income-producing equities of global companies that potentially could use free cash flow to create shareholder yield through dividends, share repurchases or debt reduction. The fund invests primarily in Epoch Global Shareholder Yield Fund. As well, the fund uses derivative contracts to protect against the impact of changes in the value of foreign currencies against the Canadian dollar (C$). TD also recently launched TD U.S. Low Volatility Currency Neutral Fund, which invests mainly in TD U.S. Low Volatility Fund to gain exposure to U.S. stocks included in the S&P 1500 composite index with little chance of volatility. TD U.S. Low Volatility Currency Neutral Fund also uses derivative contracts to reduce the impact of changes in the value of the U.S. dollar against the C$. TDAM manages assets for slightly less than two million retail investors, and collectively manages more than $300 billion in assets as of March 31. For full details about TDAM and these two funds, including fees, visit


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