Toronto-based Sun Life Global Investments (Canada) Inc. has launched four new income funds and a new equity/value fund in introducing two new Sun Life Granite Managed Portfolios (Sun Life Managed Income Portfolio and Sun Life Managed Enhanced Income Portfolio) and three subadvised new funds (Sun Life Dynamic Strategic Yield Fund, Sun Life Dynamic Equity Income Fund and Sun Life Sentry Value Fund). The two Sun Life Granite Managed Income Portfolios are asset-allocation portfolios with a diversified mix of income-generating fixed-income and equities investments managed by Sun Life’s in-house portfolio-management team led by Sadiq Adatia. The other two new income funds in the lineup are subadvised by investment manager GCIC Ltd. The new value-oriented equity fund will be subadvised by Toronto-based Sentry Investments Inc. Advisor commissions are 0%-5% for front-end sales, 5% for deferred sales and 2% for the low-load option. Redemption fees begin at 5.5% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 7 for the regular DSC schedule, or begin at 3% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3 for the low-load schedule. Trailing commissions for Sun Life Managed Income Portfolio are up to 0.75% for front-end sales, and 0.375% for deferred and low-load sales; for the other funds, trailing commissions are up to 1.0% for front-end sales, and 0.5% for deferred and low-load sales. Management fees for Sun Life Managed Income Portfolio are 1.5% for A-class units and 0.75% for F-class units; for Sun Life Managed Enhanced Income Portfolio and Sun Life Dynamic Strategic Yield Fund, fees are 1.8% for A-class units and 0.8% for F-class units; for Sun Life Dynamic Equity Income Fund, fees are 1.7% for A-class units and 0.7% for F-class units; and for Sun Life Sentry Value Fund, fees are 1.95% for A-class units and 0.95% for F-class units. Minimum investment is $500.


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