Toronto-based Scotia Asset Management LP has launched Scotia Income Advantage Fund and Scotia US$ Balanced Fund, with Toronto-based Goodman & Co. Investment Counsel Ltd. of Toronto as subadvisor to both. Scotia Income Advantage Fund seeks to generate regular income and long-term capital growth by investing in a diversified portfolio of fixed-income and income-oriented securities. It aims to provide monthly distributions. Oscar Belaiche manages the fund’s equities portfolio, with Michael McHugh on the fixed–income side. Scotia US$ Balanced Fund seeks to generate long-term capital growth and current income in U.S. dollars by investing primarily in US$-denominated fixed-income and equity securities. David Fingold manages the fund’s equities component, with Michael McHugh on the fixed-income side. Advisor commissions on both funds are 0%-1% for front-end sales. There are no redemption fees or trailing commissions. Management fees are 1.85%. Minimum investment is $500.

Mackenzie Financial unveils equity fund

Mackenzie Universal Canadian Shield Fund, a new Canadian equity fund from Toronto-based Mackenzie Financial Corp., intends to generate risk-adjusted absolute returns and seeks capital preservation in all market environments. The fund invests primarily in Canadian equities and fixed-income securities. Lead portfolio manager is Roger Mortimer of San Francisco-based Parador Asset Management LLC. Advisor commissions are 0%-5% for front-end sales; 5% for deferred sales; or 2.5% for the low-load option. Redemption fees begin at 5.5% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 7 for the regular DSC schedule; or begin at 3% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3 for the low-load schedule. Trailing commissions are 1% for front-end sales; 0.5% for the first seven years of deferred sales, and 1% thereafter; and 0.5% for the first three years of low-load sales, and 1% thereafter. Management fees are 2.25%. Minimum investment is $500.

ETF lineup expands at BetaPro

Toronto-based BetaPro Management Inc. has added two funds to its Horizons ETF lineup: COMEX Gold Inverse ETF and COMEX Silver Inverse ETF. Each fund seeks, on a daily basis, 100% inverse exposure to its COMEX futures contract. If successful, the funds’ NAV should gain approximately as much, on a percentage basis, as the underlying COMEX futures contract declines on a given day; or, conversely, the funds’ NAV should lose approximately as much, on a percentage basis, as the underlying COMEX futures contract rises on a given day. For both funds, any U.S.-dollar gains or losses as a result of their investment will be hedged back to the Canadian dollar. Annual management fees are 1.15%. There may be a redemption charge of up to 0.25% on the exchange or redemption proceeds.

New investment teams for some AGF funds

Toronto-based AGF Investments Inc. has appointed additional investment-management teams to its Harmony program, following a consultation with Los Angeles-based Wilshire Associates Inc. These changes affect several former portfolio managers in the following two Harmony portfolios: for Harmony U.S. Equity Pool, AGF Investments Inc.’s North American equities team, C.S. McKee LP and Eagle Boston Investment Management Inc. replace Goldman Sachs Asset Management LP, Rainier Investment Management Inc. and Turner Investment Partners Inc.; for Harmony Overseas Equity Pool, Aberdeen Asset Management Inc., AGF Investments Inc.’s global equities team, Barrow Hanley Mewhinney & Strauss LLC and Harding Loevner LP replace AllianceBerstein Canada Inc., Hexavest Inc., Martin Currie Inc., McKinley Capital Management LLC and Principal Global Investors LLC.

RBCAM introduces global bond fund

Toronto-based RBC Global Asset Management has launched a new fund for retail and institutional investors. BlueBay Global Monthly Income Bond Fund invests primarily in global high-yield debt, emerging-markets government and corporate debt securities, and global convertible bonds. London, England-based BlueBay Asset Management will act as subadvisor on the fund. Redemption fees begin at 6% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 6 for the regular DSC schedule; or begin at 2% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 2 of the low-load schedule. Trailing commissions for A-class units are up to 0.8% for front-end sales; up to 0.25% for deferred sales; and up to 0.8% for low-load sales. Management fees are 1.65% for A-class units; and 0.9% for F-class units. Minimum investment is $500.

Compiled by Olivia Li (