Mackenzie Financial Corp. is calling a shareholder meeting June 22 to discuss a change in the investment objectives of Conservative Folio Fund, Moderate Folio Fund, Balanced Folio Fund, Advanced Folio Fund and Aggressive Folio Fund. All funds are distributed exclusively through Quadrus Investment Services Ltd. The proposed investment objective would remove the requirement to invest in specified underlying funds in specified weightings and instead allow each fund to invest in securities of other mutual funds to achieve their respective investment objectives. Unitholders will also be asked to consider the following mergers: Fixed Income Folio Fund, to merge into LLIM Canadian Bond Fund; Canadian Equity Folio Fund, to merge into Quadrus Canadian Equity Corporate Class; Global Equity Folio Fund, to merge into Quadrus U.S. and International Equity Corporate Class; and GWLIM Ethics Fund, to merge into GWLIM Canadian Growth Fund. Changes will depend on regulatory approval.