Real Asset Investment Management Inc. has changed its name to Inhance Investment Management Inc. The Vancouver-based socially responsible investment company says its new name “better communicates the company’s vision and investment philosophy: to enhance long-term returns for investors through in-house integration of environmental, social, governance and financial criteria into the investment process,” says Krista Vriend, vice president of marketing. As a result, two of its funds have been renamed: Real Assets Social Leaders Fund’s name has been changed to Inhance Global Leaders Fund 2 and Real Assets Social Impact Balanced Fund has been changed to Inhance Balanced Fund. The funds’ mandates remain the same. The firm also recently added three funds to its lineup: Inhance Canadian Equity Fund, Inhance Monthly Income Fund and Inhance Money Market Fund. Advisor commissions for front-end sales are up to 5%, up to 2% for low-load deferred sales and 5% for conventional deferred sales charge. Redemption fees for the low-load DSC schedule begin at 2% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 2. Fees for the conventional DSC schedule begin at 5.5% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 7. Trailer commissions are 1% front-end, or 0.5% for low-load and conventional DSC for Inhance Canadian Equity; 0.75% front-end, or 0.375% for low-load and conventional DSC for Inhance Monthly Income; and 0.25% front-end, or 0.15% for low-load and conventional DSC for Inhance Money Market. Management fees are 2.05% for A-class shares; 1% for F-class shares for Inhance Canadian Equity; 1.70% for A-class shares and 0.85% for F-class for Inhance Monthly Income; and 1% for A-class and 0.75% for F-class for Inhance Money Market. Minimum investment is $500.