Toronto-based Manulife Mutual Funds has launched Simplicity Income Portfolio, an asset-allocation program that aims for a steady flow of income and long-term growth. The portfolio invests in several mutual funds, focusing on fixed-income and income-generating Canadian equity funds. The fund manager may move up to 25% of the net assets of the portfolio into cash if it believes market conditions warrant it. Front-end commissions are 0%-5%, 5% for deferred sales, or 2% for low-load. Redemption fees begin at 6% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 6 of the DSC schedule, or start at 3% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 2 of the low-load schedule. Trailing commissions are 0.75% for front-end and low-load sales, or 0.50% for DSC sales. Management fees are 1.85%, or 1.10% for F-class shares. Minimum investment is $25,000.
Compiled by Lara Hertel (