CIBC and CIBC Asset Management Inc. have launched FULPAY DARTS deposit notes, Series 1, which aim to provide 100% principal protection. The notes are linked to the performance of two underlying funds, CIBC Monthly Income Fund and Talvest Millennium High Income Fund, which will account for 70% of the notes’ assets. The remaining 30% will be held in a basket of equities chosen by Stephen Gerring of TAL Global Asset Management Inc. in Toronto. Investors will receive monthly coupons equal to 100% of the investments’ monthly distributions and, at maturity, the principal amount plus an additional amount equal to any increase in the value of the portfolio. Redemption fees begin at 6.95% in the first year and decline to zero after Year 3. Commissions are 5%, with a 0.30% trailing commission, paid annually. Management fees are 2.75%. Minimum investment is $5,000.