Montreal-based Standard Life Mutual Funds Ltd. has introduced two new mutual funds – Standard Life Short Term Bond Fund and Standard Life High Yield Bond Fund. Standard Life Short Term Bond Fund, managed by Standard Life Investments Inc., provides investors with a higher level of current income than traditional money market instruments while preserving capital and maintaining liquidity. Standard Life High Yield Bond Fund, subadvised by Boston-based Standard Life Investments (U.S.A.) Ltd., will provide investors with the opportunity for a high level of income and the potential for long-term capital growth. For both funds, advisor commissions are 0%-5% for front-end sales, 5% for deferred sales or 3% for the low-load option. Redemption fees begin at 6% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 5 for the regular DSC schedule, or begin at 4% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3 of the low-load schedule. Trailing commissions for the short-term bond fund are 0.5% for front-end sales and 0.25% for both deferred and low-load sales. Trailing commissions for the high-yield bond fund are 0.8% for front-end sales and 0.25% for both deferred and low-low sales. Management fees for A-class units are 1.15% for the short-term bond fund and 1.7% for the high-yield bond fund. Minimum investment is $1,000.

Compiled by Clare O’Hara (

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