Toronto-based ONE Financial Corp. has launched a new family of funds – the All-Weather Profit Family – that includes 10 mutual funds, six wrap portfolios and two protected portfolios. The 10 funds include regional and sector growth, global balanced and income-saving funds. The wrap portfolios are designed to target investor risk profiles ranging from conservative income to maximum growth, while the protected portfolios are a conservative growth portfolio and a monthly return of capital income portfolio. The fund family is classified as “commodity pools,” allowing its investment manager to go long or sell short, unlike traditional mutual funds. Advisor commissions for all mutual funds are 0%-6% for front-end sales (except for All-Weather Profit Tax-Efficient Short-Term Savings Fund, which pays 0%- 3%) or 2.5% for the low-load option. Advisor commissions for all wrap and protected portfolios are 0%-4% for front-end sales or 2%-3% for the low-load option. Redemption fees begin at 3.5% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3.5 of the low-load schedule for all funds and portfolios. Trailing commissions are up to 1.4% for front-end sales, and up to 0.9% of low-load sales for all mutual funds; up to 1.5% for front-end sales, and up to 0.75% of low-load sales for the wrap portfolios; and up to 1% for front-end sales and 0.5% of the low-load sales for the protected portfolios. Management fees range from 0.85%-2.15% for A-class units or from 0.5%-1.15% for F-class units for all mutual funds. For all other management fees, visit Minimum investment is $500 for all mutual funds, or $15,000 for the wrap and protected portfolios.


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