Montreal-based National Bank Securities Inc. has introduced three new funds: National Bank Floating Rate Income Fund, National Bank Global Tactical Bond Fund and National Bank U.S. Dividend Fund. National Bank Floating Rate Income Fund offers clients the opportunity to generate interest income while minimizing the effects of interest rate fluctuations; it will be managed by Montreal-based Fiera Capital Corp. National Bank Global Tactical Bond Fund offers investors the opportunity to generate income and capital growth while focusing on capital preservation; it will be managed by Toronto-based BNY Mellon Asset Management Canada Ltd. National Bank U.S. Dividend Fund offers clients the opportunity to obtain long-term capital appreciation and increase capital while focusing on dividend income; it will be managed by Montreal-based Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd. Advisor commissions on all three funds are 0% to 5% for front-end sales, 5% for deferred sales and 2.5% for the low-load option. Redemption fees begin at 6% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 6 for the regular DSC schedule, or begin at 3% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3 for the low-load option.


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