Toronto-based Mackenzie Financial Corp. has launched Mackenzie Global Tactical Investment Grade Bond Fund. Its objective is to generate income by investing in investment-grade, fixed-income securities issued by companies and governments from around the world, regardless of size. Konstantin Boehmer and Felix Wong will co-manage the fund. Advisor commissions are 0%-5% for front-end sales; 5% for deferred sales; 1% for the low-load Option 2; or 2.5% for low-load Option 3. Redemption fees begin at 5.5% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 7 for the regular DSC schedule; or begin at 2% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 2 of the low-load Option 2 schedule; or begin at 3% in Year 1 and end at zero after Year 3 for the Option 3 schedule. Trailing commissions are 0.6% for front-end sales; 0.3% for the first seven years of deferred sales, and 0.6% thereafter; 0.3% for the first two years of low-load Option 2, and 0.6% thereafter; and 0.3% for the first three years of low-load Option 3, and 0.65% thereafter. Management fees are 1.5% for A-class units and 0.65% for F-class units. Minimum investment is $500.


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