Two new exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are available now from Toronto-based Horizons ETFs Management (Canada) Inc. and its affiliate, AlphaPro Management Inc. Horizons Global Risk Parity ETF is an actively managed fund subadvised by Toronto-based ReSolve Asset Management Inc. This ETF’s allocation strategy is driven by risk parity theory, which seeks to ensure each asset class in the portfolio contributes balanced amounts of risk in order to reach an optimal level of diversification. The approach is meant to give shareholders the ability to generate returns from global asset classes in the midst of a variety of economic conditions. The management fee is 0.85%. As well, Horizons also recently introduced Horizons Global Currency Opportunities ETF. This ETF, subadvised by Toronto-based CIBC Asset Management Inc., provides shareholders with long exposure to global currency markets through an active management strategy. The ETF’s investment strategy is based on CIBC’s integrated quantitative and qualitative process, which includes the ranking of 32 currencies worldwide, the assessment of specific macroeconomic regimes and fundamental country research. The management fee is 0.55%.


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